Just Another Saturday

Warning: Graphic images

Seeing patients on a Saturday at the Pink House is no longer a rarity and neither are the large number of antis, usually around numbering around 100 to 125. The noise level is often double what we endure on a typical day. There are always more signs, more bullhorns, more children…and these days, it seems, ladders.

On Saturday, March 13, we had 8 defenders and we did what we do, we got the patients inside with as little harassment as possible. We have a good system in place, awesome volunteers and top notch teamwork so as always...mission accomplished.

As we put things away we discussed the day and joked about the antis must be losing their touch, "only" 84 antis today. Just one street preacher did all the "screaming"…were the others on punishment or something?

We were all happy that their Saturday “church at the abortion clinic” lasted SO long that the antis didn't get a chance to yell at as many patients as usual. And we all agreed that today was an easy day, that the antis just weren't "all that". But when you volunteer as a clinic defender day after day, year after year, the horrible insanity on the sidewalks becomes the norm to you.

The truth is, it really WAS "all that" and then some if you were a patient. It was REALLY horrible. When researching a medical facility that you plan to go to, "What happens on your sidewalk? How bad are your protesters?" aren't common questions...and shouldn't have to be...but here we are…

This is why clinic escorts and defenders are here for patients.