Truth Is the First Casualty


In the book, Live from the Gates of Hell: An Insider’s Look at the Anti-abortion Movement, the author Jerry Reiter recounts his shock at the behavior of anti-abortion activists of Operation Rescue in its early days. Reiter states that one of the leaders was working on something and said “Truth is the first casualty of war, and this is war…”


Here’s a good example of antis lying with no regard for patient safety. There is no such thing as “medication abortion reversal”. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says that claims about “medication abortion reversal” are "not based on science and do not meet clinical standards.” But antis are happy to push this onto patients because it fits their agenda.

And so are state governments unfortunately. Since 2015, at least 20 states have introduced bills to mandate that abortion providers tell patients that if they change their minds after taking the first pill, they can “reverse” the process. As of 2020, six states have enacted said legislation - Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah.

Nevermind that the leading group of doctors, ACOG, said about such legislation, “Legislative mandates based on unproven, unethical research are dangerous to women’s health. Politicians should never mandate treatments or require that physicians tell patients inaccurate information." Abortion is HEALTHCARE.

Yet here we are. Indiana is the latest to have this legislation moving forward. Women make up the majority of patients at clinics and they are being lied to by a MANDATE of the state with no regard to their health outcomes. This is dangerous, and it's also one more way “abortion exceptionalism” happens, as patients, mainly women, are not equal before the law.

We have to speak up against these practices. But first we have to know they are happening. Peoples lives are endangered by antis’ lies - from the sidewalks to the legislatures.