Ain't Nobody Free...
Tomorrow, all the biggest anti-abortion ghouls, oops, groups, will be celebrating the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Groups like LiveAction, Students for Life, the Alliance Defending Freedom – the foot soldiers of the patriarchy. Let that sink in…they are celebrating at the LINCOLN MEMORIAL, y’all.
These people will be taking a “victory lap” on people’s suffering - suffering that they caused. They are CELEBRATING people’s suffering. These super well funded anti groups celebrating tomorrow have a single focus - “saving babies.” Where are the groups solely dedicated to “saving” us and our rights?
Well, from here, looks like the same usual pro-choice groups are having the same usual separate “actions” again for this anniversary. “Marching” around all the time with a few folks has gotten us where, again? Let’s look.
This past year at least 20 states passed abortion bans. These bans cause pain, suffering, and death. People are travelling thousands of miles for care – IF they are able to travel. In states where abortion bans exist, maternal mortality has gotten worse, not better. Threats to providers, violence and vandalism at clinics have increased significantly all over the country.
So, where has it gotten us? Shoved backwards.
Look. Stop saying “we won’t go back.” We ARE back. Back to the “bad old days” where we can’t choose for ourselves what happens to us. And in case you’re thinking you are in a “safe state”, there are NO safe states - nobody’s free until everybody’s free. And everybody sure the hell ain’t free.
Antis and their giant well funded orgs - meaning anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-secular people and orgs - and their politicians, will WORK TOGETHER and keep on steamrolling our legal rights UNTIL THEY ARE GONE. The courts won’t protect us, see Dobbs, et al.
Doing the same things, and expecting a different better result is called INSANITY. SOLIDARITY with organization will be the only thing that saves us. Moving TOGETHER toward the goal is the only way forward to win back our rights. And it will be a marathon not a sprint.
Remember the Pink House, where all this started. The Pink House is gone, replaced by a high-end consignment shop. Everyone looked away, becuase “it’s just Mississippi” until they couldn’t. It’s not “just Mississippi” anymore.
Remember the Pink House. Dobbs was just the beginning, y’all. Ain’t nobody free til we all free. And we all ain’t free.
#RememberThePinkhouse #dobbs #PinkhouseDefenders#WeEngage #SolidarityYall