We Engage and the Pink House Defenders, like everyone, have been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. All the things. With everything going on ALL THE TIME, we have just been running around doing ALL THE THINGS. And we are on kind of a “reduced operating force” as many defenders haven't been able to join us for various reasons, be it health, work or otherwise. And we miss them.
But we have seen so much kindness and support, we want to say THANK YOU. We are able to continue to support abortion access and de-stigmatize abortion because of YOUR help. We have received such an outpouring of thoughtfulness lately, and it has REALLY made a difference during a really tough time.
We are still here, supporting patients accessing the last abortion care clinic in Mississippi. We are few, so we don’t get to thank y’all as often or as well as we would like, but we will work to do better.
And while it is still just getting up and running, we recently created a YouTube channel, we hope you will check it out and subscribe. Still a work in progress, but there will be videos that don’t get posted elsewhere, and who knows what else. And please share what you see there, and here. People need to know what goes on outside clinics, what passes for “protest” these days – because abortion, because religion.
Just in case you are over on Instagram, we are there too, showing what is going on. On Instagram, we are @thepinkhousedefenders and @weengage4good. On Twitter check us out at @phdefenders and @engage_we; truth be told, we are spread thin on the platforms, we do what we can.
And we can do more together. THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who supports us as we support patients in their choices, whatever those choices may be – to continue their pregnancies or to terminate them.
The Pink House Defenders are there for them – patients first, always.
YOUR engagement matters. THANK YOU ❤️