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The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed things all over, but you know the old saying, the more things change the more they stay the same...and that certainly goes for antis and their "antics."

We have seen COVID-19 ignored by antis when they want to congregate at clinics harassing patients and escorts, ignoring pleas to stay at home, to stay 6 feet from people (including patients who are possibly pregnant), endangering the health of others, including the people they CLAIM to want to help. We even have an anti who is a doctor outside the clinic saying “I don’t care about 6 feet, y’all do.”

BUT the antis claim COVID-19 is dangerous enough to need to close abortion clinics. Gee, how convenient. How hypocritical. How anti.

It is happening at our clinic, and at clinics in Ohio, Texas, and possibly elsewhere. On March 24, Gov. Tate Reeves, while neglecting to close almost any place in the state, declared abortion must stop in Mississippi due to COVID-19.

In addition, antis have coordinated campaigns to call state health departments and state governors in the middle of a pandemic to complain and demand that they close abortion clinics. In a public health crisis, antis are taxing them even further with demands about abortion.

All of these actions by antis just go to prove once again, antis are NOT “pro-life” AT ALL, they are far from it. Antis are obsessed with controlling other people. Never refer to them by their preferred “pro-life” descriptor, they are “anti-abortion.” Antis aren't even protesters. When you are yelling at people going into a clinic, that’s not protest, that’s harassment.

And we found out that even though there may be executive order from the mayor stating there may not be groups larger than 10 people gathered in public, the police won’t enforce it if it is a group of antis outside of a clinic in Jackson, MS. More on that later.

Jackson Women’s Health Organization remains open. Abortion is essential healthcare, not elective - ask doctors, not politicians.

#ThisClinicStaysOpen #antisgonnaanti #abortionisessential #abortionishealthcare #prochoiceisprolife #prochoice #clinicescorts #clinicescort #weouthere #weengage #pinkhousedefenders