AAF OSA Unmasked!

A year ago today, July 18, the Pinkhouse Defenders were a long way from home at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, WI, counter-protesting the OSA Lobby Day at the capitol along with Lizz Winstead, Abortion Access Front (AAF), Feminist Flag Corps, and so many other fantastic pro-choice activists as part of AAF’s Garbage Fyre Festival.

Extremist groups that call abortion murder, that call for the execution of patients and providers shouldn't be welcomed at legislatures as constituencies with legitimate ideas for legislation. But here we are.

Next week, OSA will have a "virtual" national event they are calling "Defend the Fatherless" due to the pandemic that they barely acknowledge as real, as so many of them are part of the "pandemic denier, non-mask wearing, open everything now, crowd".

And starting tomorrow, this year's AAF event - OSA Unmasked - is on!

This event is perfectly named, as these folks stand around outside of clinics without masks, claiming to care about other people's lives, they don't care enough to wear a mask. Also because they mask their hateful intolerant beliefs in the cloak of religion.

Let's unmask OSA for the hypocrites they are.

And get engaged! This event is all week, but the fight is on all the time - your engagement matters. It's going to take us all to turn the tide.

#OSAunmasked #abortionishealthcare #abortionisaright #prochoiceisprolife #prochoice #engagementmatters #weengage #pinkhousedefenders