Call It What It Is...
Anti-choice propaganda has sold the public a false picture of who is on the clinic sidewalks. Antis would have you believe the trope of the "sweet grandma" who is "there to help" and is just "sidewalk counseling." Those people are there; however there is NO such thing as "sidewalk counseling", that's harassment.
Anyway, these days, more often the clinic sidewalks see people like this. Antis perpetuate "stochastic terrorism", creating an environment where conditions are suitable for violence, then they stand back and act like they had nothing to do with it.
Antis' screams of "murder" where there is none creates a dangerous environment for patients and providers. Let's call it what it is. Terrorism.
For Instance, check out what has been happening at a clinic in New Jersey. A Christian missionary has been harassing the clinic with a drone. Yes, a drone. According to the Daily Voice news report, Daniel Courney was “terrorizing the doctor over a four-month period.”
Terrorism. Let’s call it what it is.
#AbortionIsHealthcare #prochoiceisprolife #harassment #sidewalks #WeEngage
INSET: Daniel Courney / PHOTO: Outside Metropolitan Medical Associates in Englewood Photo Credit: INSET: Englewood PD / PHOTO: FACEBOOK (David Courney) PHOTO CREDIT: Essex (New Jersey ) Daily Voice