A Personhood Bill on Steroids

Last week, Operation Save America (OSA), formerly Operation Rescue, held their annual Leadership Conference in Greenville, SC. On the last day of the meeting, OSA followers and friends traveled to the state capital, Columbia, SC to have a rally in support of House Bill 3549, “South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act Of 2023.”
So what is South Carolina House Bill 3549? Just a bill that defines an fetus as a “person.” It’s a personhood bill but on steroids. Oh but wait, there’s more.
This bill serves to “afford equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization.” Any abortion is murder under this law, and the pregnant person would be prosecuted for MURDER. But wait, there’s even more.
If a person has an abortion to preserve their life, then they can plead self-defense. Yes, you read that right. Only if fetal demise is incidental to saving a person’s life can there be any consideration of exception.
The bill starts with “Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death…” This law is a religious law, first and foremost. Jeff Durbin, a pastor, is criss-crossing the country pushing this bill to our legislatures. This is Christian Nationalism – pushing laws based one religion on people who may not share that religion.
We Engage traveled to South Carolina to support patients at the Greenville Women’s Clinic and to raise public awareness about the Christian Nationalist organization OSA and HB 3549. South Carolina isn’t the only state where this bill is being pushed. There are at least 10 other states that will see this bill introduced, and one of them may be yours.
You may think “That will never pass!” And it may not. This time.
Then again, it just might. Y’all ready for that? Did you know this is even happening until now?
Abortion first, then all the other things their god finds offensive will be outlawed. That’s what these people work toward all day every day and most people have no idea.
We are not ok y’all.