2023 - Forward Together

Hey y'all! Welcome to 2023. So here we are, same as it ever was, except different. The people of Mississippi, along with people in 12 other states, have NO clinic and NO access to abortion care. Here is a picture of the Pink House today. It’s going to be a high-end consignment shop now.

So, what's that mean for We Engage and the Pink House Defenders? It means we have an even longer way to go, more work to do. There is so much work to be done to get our legal rights back and there are just so many of us to do it. So many people are working in courts, on practical support and funding, but WE, all of us, also have work to do stopping these bad laws and getting our rights back.

So, our mission remains the same. Stand with patients and escorts, destigmatize abortion, and raise public awareness about abortion access and the people working to take our rights, so we can make a change for the better.

Since Dobbs, thirteen states have made abortion illegal, and more will follow. Every day, there is some new law being introduced somewhere aiming at our rights – our rights to control our bodies, to make decisions about who we are and who we love. And every day, people suffer in states without access to the care they need.

So how does We Engage move forward from here? We are going to do what we have always done – stand with patients and escorts everywhere, stand up to antis where we can to raise public awareness of who they are and what they do, and help people get engaged effectively, safely and responsibly.

The only way forward is with your support – your help, YOUR engagement will make it happen, there’s no other way. There is no way we can win our rights back without you. For more info, check out our website and blog, donate if you can and join the Rebellion!

And always - Remember the Pink House!

#RememberThe PinkHouse #WeEngage #PinkHouseDefenders #JoinTheRebellion