A Ninja Turtle Story

Hey! Y’all want to hear a ninja turtle story? But not a good one though…a bad ninja turtle story.

This weekend Jackson MS got a visit from Jeff Durbin. So who’s Jeff Durbin? Jeff is the "lead pastor" of Apologia Church in Tempe, AZ, and founder of “End Abortion Now”, an extreme anti-abortion org. He also played one of the Ninja Turtles in one of their movies. So, now apparently, he's kind of a "big dog" in the anti-abortion circles. Jeff is “styling and profiling” all over the place, flying state to state, talking to pastors and legislators.

A quaint looking little suburban church, Grace Baptist of Castlewoods, hosted the Deep South Founder's Conference where Jeff was the keynote speaker. On the last day of the conference a few Pink House Defenders and friends decided to let Jeff know we were there, let the public know Jeff was there, and what he is up to.

SO. Here’s what he’s up to. Durbin is touring the states drumming up support for the newest anti-abortion bill all the “abolitionist” antis are working on, the “Equal Justice Act”. In short, the bill would eliminate all abortion exceptions (rape, incest and life of the mother) as well as criminalize the pregnant person. And by criminalize, we mean charge them with murder.

Durbin has secured representatives in 10 states to introduce the bill this legislative session and is working on 4 more states. We're guessing that Mississippi is one of those four. Who would possibly support a bill that's this extreme? Unfortunately, your neighbors would.

Streaming into this neighborhood church were ordinary Christian churchgoers, your neighbors. Sure, they identify as "prolife" but would never be seen outside at a clinic; but you can bet they’ll support the politicians and laws that are taking our rights though.

It's doubtful that 80% of this audience had any idea who Jeff is and that they weren't attending a traditional religious service...they were there to be radicalized. Because that's what Jeff and so many like him (Live Action, Love Life, et al.) do. Once Durbin takes the pulpit, the extremist indoctrination begins. 

However, we never really got an opportunity to engage with Jeff. It seems while all of the other church members entered through the front door closest to where we were standing, Jeff and company slipped in through the back way. And that is the end of our bad ninja turtle story. 😊 womp womp.

We can't help but wonder though, how many in attendance bought into the propaganda of Durbin’s “End Abortion Now” schtick? So many do. And this isn’t an isolated incident. These indoctrination sessions are happening daily across the country, even in the "safe/blue states". We got here by ignoring these people.

So what can you do? The courts WILL NOT PROTECT US. Our representatives don’t protect us. WE protect us.  If we have any hope of reclaiming our rights, we have to stand together and stand up - TOGETHER! Stand up and make your voice heard! Y'all in?