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The Twilight Buffer Zone


You know how the word “twilight” is sometimes used to describe things that are there, but NOT REALLY there? Like you think you can see them, but they really have no substance? Like The Twilight Zone?

October marked the one-year anniversary of the city of Jackson voting on and passing an “Ordinance Prohibiting Certain Activities Near Healthcare Facilities”. Voted on on October 1, 2019, and enacted October 31, the ordinance looks good on paper and nowhere else.

The ordinance has three parts – no amplified sound, including yelling, within 100 feet of the property line of a healthcare facility during business hours of said facility, no gathering or picketing with 15 feet of an entrance, and an 8 foot floating bubble zone within 100 feet of an entrance where persons may not be approached without consent.

The ordinance exists only on paper and in state court where well-funded anti-abortion groups have challenged the city and the constitutionality of the ordinance.

Not one citation has been issued under this ordinance. Not one. Pretty much every day since October 31, 2019, antis have violated it. Now one of them is whining to police about the fact we have music on our property, when he is on a 1200-watt bullhorn or PA system outside the door, "preaching" about "baby murder" almost everyday the clinic is open and seeing patients.

Antis are ALL about THEIR constitutional rights, and have the lawyers and the money to fight endlessly in court, and they do. And this is the result. They are above the law.

Other people’s constitutional rights? Like patients having the right to live by their own beliefs under the same constitution? Apparently antis, and a lot of the time, the courts, regard them much like twilight, like the ordinance, they are good on paper, but...not so much really THERE…

Constitutional protections are only for antis apparently.


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