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Defending Patients & Access

Recently, Jordan Smith of The Intercept talked with the Pink House Defenders for the story, The Fight to Protect Abortion Access Amid the Pandemic, documenting the difficulties accessing abortion care during the pandemic.

The fight to provide access to abortion care is being fought daily across America. And it shouldn't be a fight. Patients shouldn’t have to fight for healthcare; patients and their care should be paramount.

Abortion is healthcare. Patients shouldn't have to fight off governors who would deny access nor screaming people with GoPros that refuse to social distance to get in the door. Abortion is not only healthcare, but it is also a constitutional right.

These decisions made by politicians hurt people that have no means to go anywhere else. People with means will always be able to access safe, legal abortion.

The Pink House Defenders are at ground zero in helping to ensure abortion access for people in Mississippi as well as surrounding states. Your support of We Engage supports the Pink House Defenders and does so much to help us assist people, and with your continued help, we can do so much more to win this fight.

#abortionishealthcare #abortionisessential #prochoiceisprolife #clinicescort #weoouthere #engagementmatters #weengage #pinkhousedefenders