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The Anti Agenda: Control

COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic. One of our defenders, Jaz Brisack​, is a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, England, and penned an editorial piece for Beyond Europe titled Corona Crisis Has Unmasked Anti-Choice Advocates Agenda: Controlling Pregnant People, Life Be Damned.

Many anti-abortion protesters throughout America are spearheading the protests to "open up the economy." These protests are demanding state governments allow people to open businesses up fully without adequate safeguards for people's lives. Antis are also suing for the right to harass vulnerable pregnant people at clinics. It is becoming pretty clear the anti agenda isn't "pro-life" at all, it is about control.

It is so clear, it is obvious from across the Atlantic Ocean. And it is fine with antis for the government to control the bodies of pregnant people, but when that same government control is applied to them, they literally protest in the street, endangering themselves and others.

And the blatant hypocrisy on display by these "pro-lifers" is nothing short of appalling. Antis are at protests screaming about THEIR constitutional rights being infringed upon, saying "my body, my choice" when it comes to wearing masks and social distancing when it has been shown those things save lives, and yet they have no problem turning around and demanding the government control the bodies of other people seeking medical care.

Their agenda isn't about being "pro-life", it is about power and control.

Thank you Jaz, we miss you.

Stay safe everyone - wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance when you can.

And if you can, please donate to help us support abortion access here in Mississippi and let’s de-stigmatize abortion - abortion is healthcare - full stop, tell a friend. It matters. You CAN make a difference when you engage - engagement matters. Thanks, y’all.